Monday, June 7, 2010


This is the first entry of hopefully many that I will write. The main purpose of this blog is to first understand the ability and capabilities of the Asus EEE netbook I am using currently and to see what it can do, especially in the case of educating.

I am currently borrowing this netbook from a professor where I will be studying soon. I've read a couple of his papers and I believe that technology and education will eventually need to come together and work together hand in hand. With information becoming so instant and vast, students have the access, especially with netbooks being introduced in schools. What needs to be worked on next is quality and critical learning.

The blog seemed like such a great idea because the main purpose of a computer designed as a netbook is to go online and be able to do simple functions like word processing, email, etc. This way, I am able to use the netbook to its full potential.

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